Triple header program featuring Delaney Coy, Rachel Macauley, and Ted Schick
This week's program was a triple header featuring Delaney Coy, Rachel Macauley, and Ted Schick.

wanted to tell us about her experiences at Camp RYLA. It was a turning point in her life, creating a sense of empowerment, instilling confidence, creating a feeling of being connected and helping her focus on becoming a better person. Her one week also made her a dynamic speaker!
Next, Rachel Macauley, Cloquet H. S. Jr. Rotarian, stepped to the podium, delivering a speech from her iPhone on thoughts about how uncertain a person's life is depending on where and who you are born to. Example: Malala from Pakistan, whose father owned a school and allowed his daughter to receive an
education and be recognized. Support from parents can make a difference in a young person's outcome, despite the odds. A parent's obligation is to help their children fulfill their dreams. Rachel is grateful to her family for support, nudging her in the right direction without getting in the way.
Rounding out our program, Ted Schick leapt into the center of the room and had us move into groups depending if we were Traditionalists born 1927-45, Baby Boomers 1946-62, Gen X 1963-80, or Y 1981-2000. We discovered we don't all feel the same about things, and maybe have stereotyped other generations. As Rotarians, we need to understand what new Rotarians need. Fast paced Schick struck a homerun on his last day as our club member!