Today is wear purple for polio day. End Polio Now!
Posted by Ryan Micke
The world is now 99% Polio free, and the Rotary has played a large role in the progress of ending polio...
Status report: 99% Polio free.
The world is now 99% Polio free, and the Rotary has played a large role in the progress of ending polio. The role of the Rotary in ending Polio began in 1979 when Rotary clubs took on the project to buy and help deliver polio vaccines to more than six million children in the Philippines. In 1988 there were 125 Polio- Endemic countries and only 75 Polio- Free countries. Today there are only 3 Polio- Endemic countries and 193 Polio- Free countries. Although Polio cases have rapidly declined, more than 10 million children under the age of five are still at risk of being paralyzed by Polio in the next 40 years. We are "this close" to ending Polio, but we aren't out of the woods yet. You can help by becoming a polio eradication advocate by signing a petition, sharing your voice over social media, launching a fundraising campaign, or telling your polio story to local news media. In the fight to end polio, your voice is a powerful tool!