President Ralph announced that today's program was the much awaited Jr. Rotarian speeches. 
Cassie began with a talk about the recent school shootings. She said that this is a big issue because everyone should feel safe in school. So far this year we've had more than 18 school shootings. Society needs to find a solution. The student walkouts where kids are standing up for change should be followed by government action to take control. Easy access to guns might call for stricter laws. The thought of teachers carrying guns is personally scary. The issue of gun control is controversial, but people should put their opinions aside and put a stop to violence.
Next up was Gretta, whose topic was Summer Camps. She has attended many types of camps and has learned a lot from all of them. After the initial separation from parents, and the confusion of the new environment, camp is really a worthwhile experience. There are many types of camps to choose from. She chose Women in Business camp offered by the Carlson School of Business, which was a learning experience with no grades as in school. Instead, they had a project report at the end. She met wonderful people who had the same interest as hers. In Camp RYLA she really grew close to the new people she met. The experience of giving out roses to people and helping with the food shelf were highlights of Camp RYLA. Each type of camp she has attended makes you grow as an individual in different ways.
The last speaker was Corra, who talked about her artwork. First, she passed around a portfolio of her art for us to look at while she spoke. She said she has wanted to be a creative artist for as long as she can remember. As a child, she made illustrations in picture books, and art has always been her favorite subject in school. In 5th grade, she really got into art when a friend gave her a book on how to draw cats. She spent 3 years drawing cats. Her love of art then grew into a passion. It's a stress reliever and really helps you relax. For her future career, she has prepared by doing artwork commissions for people of their pets and kids. She's already taken a college art course online and wants to develop a career as an illustrator. She loves storytelling and wants to be an inspiration to other aspiring artists.
Excerpts taken from the Cloquet Rotary log, edited by Rachael Martin