President Ralph began the program by saying we have 7 scholarships to give away today, then he asked Ron Hanson to tell us about the history of the scholarship program.

Next, Phyllis Rousseau took the podium to announce that the top scholarship of $1,500, called the Henry Walter Scholarship, was awarded to Isaac Stone. After thanking the club and his mother, one of today's guests, he said he plans to study Engineering at the U of M, to go into Aerospace. Next, Carter Northey was awarded a $1,000 scholarship, saying he plans to study Bio Sciences at the U of M, going into pre-med. Then, Olivia DeCaigny, came forward to receive her $1,000 scholarship and plans to go to Sarasota, Florida to art college with a goal of being a concept artist for animated films. Morgan Smith received her $1,000 scholarship and will be going to St. Olaf College to pursue environmental studies. Hannah Mitchell said her $1,000 scholarship will assist her studies at St. Olaf in psychology and political science. Cora Thompson received her $500 scholarship as she goes off to the U of M, studying art to become an illustrator. Mollie Chalberg also received a $500 scholarship to help her out at Bemidji State to pursue Spanish to become a translator. We all wished the Jr. Rotarians well in their future pursuits. It's been good to know them!