For this week's program, Rich Bruns presented a Business Meeting, with handouts and charts on the big screen. The colorful chart on the screen showed how we are doing financially this year.

We made less on Rose Sales this year but added to our overall income with the addition of the March for Veterans event, which brought in a profit of $8,397.79. One of our biggest expenses is lunch, but if you consider the per person cost of about $8 per meal, it is very affordable. Back to the Income stream, we saw that last year the Color Run was our largest money maker. We hope that will continue this year, but we need every Rotarian to pitch in. We also reviewed the monies we gave out for major projects and other donations and discussed sending thank you letters to sponsors letting them know how successful their event was. Thank you to Rich for updating us on the financial health of our club!
Excerpts taken from the Cloquet Rotary log, edited by Rachael Martin