This Week's Program
Herbert J. Schmidt, Rotary International 2016-2017 District 5580 Governor, came to the podium, standing before the new RI annual banner and brought us greetings from Fargo, ND.
His first order of business was to call Ryan Micke and Chris Correia to the front to present them with their Paul Harris award and pin. This was the first PH award for both. Next, DG Herb told us this is the 21st club he has visited, and so far every day has had beautiful weather. He pointed out the banner behind him with the year's motto "Rotary Serving Humanity". This means that Rotary serves mankind wherever there's a need. We serve by offering opportunity to those who want it. We also serve in a lot of different ways. Our club has served by contributing $2,300 to the Foundation last year and $1,800 to Polio Plus. We also are unique with our Books for Kindergarteners, Boxes for Babies, and a Swing for people with handicaps. He would like to serve Native American communities in both the US and Canada, where our District has 4 Canadian clubs. This could be a Global Grant project. Maybe we could have Native American youth in our RYLA programs. Rotary service comes from the heart, he said, and ended with a quote from Sophocles: "To be doing good is man's most glorious task." After we all recited the -Way Test, the meeting was adjourned.