This Week's Meeting: Business Meeting
Business Meeting: Pres. Judy called on Jennifer Graham give a report for today's Business Meeting. She began by discussing the goals set for our club for this year.
1. Membership - One of our club's goals is to recruit 4 new members. We will have a Guest Day again this year, and for our information we now have 26% women and 44% men in our club.
2. Programs - One new thing we will do this year is have Homeless Days. More about that later. The Literacy program headed by Julie Rothmeier will continue bringing books to Kindergartners and dictionaries to 3rd graders. This year Wrenshall school is added to this project. Our international goal is for each member to contribute $30 to Polio Plus. Our annual programs fund will sponsor 5 members to attend the District Conference in Tower, MN.
3. Contributions - Our club donated $275 to Polio Plus, $500 to Babies Need Boxes, $1000 to the Hospital Foundation for their fundraiser, and $200 to Young Life.
4. Events - Our Peach Sale raised $1,226.80. The Rose Sale is going on now and we hope to increase sales from last year. The Color Run brought in $6,000. Rich Bruns sent around the signup sheet for distributing roses and said that Team Fred is ahead so far. Pres. Judy sent around a Thank You note from Cole Rechsler's family and friends thanking our club for the Color Run.

Photo: Cloquet Rotary Club 1961