Pres Ralph introduced our speaker, Kathylynn McConnell, who works at MCCU as the corporate Managing Director of Learning and Development.
She passed around a handout, divided us into teams, and put us to work. We were supposed to put our heads together to discuss how to tell new people about Rotary and invite them to become members. These were the 3 topics we addressed: What is Rotary...specifically the Rotary Club of Cloquet; Why do you belong? What is your passion for belonging to this group; What's the value of the events you sponsor, the work you do? Who benefits? How do they benefit? After the whole group discussed their responses, we then had to come up with a consistent message that each group could share about the Rotary Club of Cloquet. This exercise gave us the practice to invite more people to join our Rotary Club. Thanks for the help, Kathylynn!
Excerpts taken from the Cloquet Rotary log, edited by Rachael Martin