Shield 616 project.
Ralph Hamann introduced our speakers, presenting a program about the Shield 616 project. First, Terry Tilander went to the podium, saying that he is available in Cloquet to do shows like today's presentation at your business.
Ralph Hamann introduced our speakers, presenting a program about the Shield 616 project. First, Terry Tilander went to the podium, saying that he is available in Cloquet to do shows like today's presentation at your business..
Next, Debbie Skifstad came forward and told us this is the 3rd Rotary Club she and her husband have spoken to. They live in Chisholm, and moved there from International Falls. They are representing their son, Jake, who started the Shield 616 business as a non-
profit in Colorado Springs. Both their sons, Jake and Luke, are police officers in Colorado, where the shooting
profit in Colorado Springs. Both their sons, Jake and Luke, are police officers in Colorado, where the shooting
in a church recently occurred. Luke was on duty for the shooting and survived. Not all the policemen did.
After that, Jake got the idea to create a better bullet proof vest that stops rifle shot. Then, Kevin Skifstad began
showing a video about the New Life Church shooting and how front line officers need protection against rifle
threats. Jake's rifle proof vest cost more than the police department could afford. So the Skifstad family rallied
local communities to form support groups and pray for these police officers. After demonstrating the new
vests, plus a ballistic helmet and safety glasses, donors and sponsors paid for this equipment for all the
Colorado Springs police officers. They sponsored individual policemen and presented their vests to them
personally. The sponsors got a coffee tumbler and magnet with their officer's name on it and pray for them
every day. Next, we saw a Power Point explaining the vest, which has a Bible verse from Ephesians stitched
inside. The vest and other equipment, armor, helmet, monocular, trauma aid kit, and ballistic glasses cost
$2,000, now reduced to $1,000. Donors and sponsors have provided this equipment in 8 states so far. Sheriff
Kelly Lake said it is great for the community to get involved in this project.