One of the co-chairs of the New Generations committee, Paul Norvall, welcomed the new Jr. Rotarians and asked them to introduce themselves. 



From Cloquet High School we met Hailey Ulvi and Rachel Macauley. The Carlton High School students include Emily Matlack, Delila Orlowski and Delaney Coy. Esko High School was well represented by Lily Pirila, Darin Davidson, Tyler Chicos, Cassidy Bailey and Emily Olson. Then the Cloquet Rotarians introduced themselves. Next, Ron Hanson, Club Historian, gave background on our club and Henry Walter, who revived the scholarship program still going today. Finally, Terri Langevin, the other co-chair of the New Generations committee, opened the program up for questions. Everyone is looking forward to an exciting year with our 10 new JrRotarians!