This week's speaker was District Governor Tim Kaminski


 He started out by presenting Rotary's Theme Flag for the year  and a sign with the new Rotary brand to Pres. Chris for our club. In addition, our DG presented PresChris with a Club President's pin to wear and pass on to the next president. Previously, DG Kaminski handed out lapel pins representing this year's theme "Light Up Rotary" to all members. Then he began telling his own Rotary story by referring to his collection of lapel pins he was wearing and by describing what they represented. He joined Rotary when he moved to Hibbing and opened a new office for an investment firm. He joined so he might find clients by networking, and found that the more he became involved in Rotary, the more he understood the international network of friends Rotary provides. The only thing he missed telling us about was the story of his handlebar mustache. Maybe next time!
